Shop Cordova First
Cordova Chamber’s Shop Cordova First campaign encourages residents and visitors to give local merchants a shot at their business first before ordering online, because local businesses are often willing to go the extra mile to serve customers. The program also emphasizes that ‘money spent here, stays here’ creating jobs, tax revenue and more.
Our new Shop Cordova First Card offers an excellent gifting option that ensures the money you are giving to someone else is supporting a local business and staying in Cordova longer to support this community.
The waters surrounding Cordova, Alaska, produce an abundance of natural life unlike anywhere else. That abundance is felt in its people. It’s something you can take with you, a harmony that settles in your bones and soothes your soul, a zest for life on nature’s terms. It’s all the best things in life nestled into a community of nature’s best stewards, artists, foragers, and fisherfolk that never takes it for granted.
Come to Cordova
& See Life
A cozy but eventful community
Explore the many festivals and community events.