
To empower the business community and foster connections that elevate the quality of life in Cordova, Alaska.
Our strategic focus areas include:
- Economic Development
- Destination Marketing
- Quality of Life Enhancement
- Business Support
Our Vision
Propelling Cordova into a thriving future!
Donate to Support These Efforts!

You can help us reach these goals by making a one-time donation! All donations of $20 or more are eligible to receive a free “I love Cordova” bumper sticker designed by Teal Hansen which can be picked up at our office during normal business hours or mailed to you (if you email us at office@cordovachamber.com).
Board & Staff
A membership organization, the Cordova Chamber of Commerce is governed by a 14-member Board of Directors.

Several of Cordova Chamber’s programs and events are supported by the work of volunteer committees. Participating in a Cordova Chamber committee is a great way to get involved in the work we are doing to build vitality and resilience in Cordova. Our committees include:
This committee, comprised of Chamber members, meets up to three times per year to discuss current membership levels, prices, benefits, systems, etc.; and give feedback on changes to membership structure proposed by staff.
Comprised of the Board Treasurer plus 2-4 additional voting or non-voting Chamber members, this committee is involved in setting the organization’s annual budget, running quarterly and end-of-year financials, conducting in-house audits, presenting a report at the annual meeting (Treasurer), and reviewing unexpected large expenditures.
Comprised of three voting or non-voting members, this committee recruits and qualifies board candidates every year in advance of the Annual Membership Meeting, supervises the election, and reports the election results. Meets 2-4 times between December and February.
The destination leadership team works to advance Cordova’s vision of success and uphold its community values, ensuring priority projects get implemented and providing opportunities for sharing important ongoing work in the community that relates to improving the destination. They also serve as ambassadors for the work outlined in Cordova’s destination strategy and communicate with the community about progress made. Meets monthly.
Several Chamber annual events including Business Gala, Shorebird, Fungus, Holiday Kickoff, and 4th of July each have committees to help plan and facilitate. Each event committee meets with our Events Coordinator at least once leading up to the event, volunteers at the event, and attends a follow-up meeting for after-event reporting and feedback.
Cordova Chamber’s Ad-hoc Committees are temporarily created by the board to address specific topics and meet as needed. Current Ad-hoc committees include:
- Foundation – exploring the option of creating a Chamber Foundation to support critical work
- Bylaw Revision – reviewing the organizational bylaws, and suggesting updates to the board of directors
Join the Chamber
Why should you join the Chamber?
Joining the Cordova Chamber of Commerce is a sound business decision.